I was asked to be a creative content intern for an upcoming podcast, TURN IT OFF, by Nick Maiale. With this, I created the enitre brand identity.
I started by creating the main logo. Since there were no visuals to base my design off of, I curated a mood board of some popular podcasts and looked at their logo treatments and usage. Noticing that it was often very minimal, I decided to keep it simple with just the name of the podcast and one additional element, which we decided on being the symbol for toggling between "on and off."
With the logo set, I then established a color scheme before moving on towards designing the final podcast cover. With these set, I began templating social assets, such as guest posts, quotes, audio bites, and stories that could be posted with each episode release.
Preliminary Logo Drafts

Final Logo and Podcast Cover

Social Graphic Templates and Mockups