In my Design I course, our final assignment was to choose a song and design a Zine using the song lyrics. I chose "Freakin' Out on the Interstate" by Briston Maroney.
When brainstorming, I decided to first listen to the song and sketch out any ideas or visuals that came to my mind naturally. After many rounds of hand sketching, I was able to have a list of visuals and ideas to work with. For the colors specifically, I wanted to resemble to colors when the sunset is fading into the night sky, leading me to darker blues and red-oranges contrasting with an off-white for neutrality.
I worked interchangeably between Photoshop and Illustrator for this project, editing and texturing photos in Photoshop before bringing it into Illustrator to add the text. When I was finished, I played the song while flipping through my zine and was really happy with the outcome!